Lessons Archive

Use available data

Length: 5 minutesComplexity: Easy

Newbies in e-commerce find it tough, but it is also the best place to be today because of immense knowledge on how to build your business scratch. However, if you are already in the industry, you still have an opportunity to implement a tip or two to change your business model.

Understand your product

Length: 5 minutesComplexity: Easy

Simple, right? This might sound too obvious, but it is where most e-commerce businesses go wrong. Of course, you know what you are selling, but this knowledge should be linked to a specific audience.

Why you should define the audience

Length: 5 minutesComplexity: Easy

Identifying a specific audience ensures your marketing tips are effective. It is senseless to market without a target audience. Marketing structures and mechanisms are designed based on the target audience.

Choose an interesting niche

Length: 5 minutesComplexity: Easy

While it is important to research on the top niches, it might not be an effective strategy. You will take longer and spend a lot of time and resources to be noticed in such niches because there are already seasoned affiliates in the niche.

Social media

Length: 5 minutesComplexity: Easy

Social media is an amazingly effective tool in this digital era. The primary function of social media platforms is connecting you with users. Consider this as an audience if you select your social network right.

Honest reviews

Length: 5 minutesComplexity: Easy

Consider it a service to people and do it justly. If you are running a site on product reviews, be sure to be detailed and unbiased in your reviews. Do not only write positive aspects, no one will believe that.


Length: 5 minutesComplexity: Easy

YouTube has grown into a massive search engine and resource for research. Use the site to watch videos about the trending products of the time.


Look for trend publications and blogs, which you can explore to find ideas about trending products for online businesses.


Length: 5 minutesComplexity: Easy

find the influencers your target customers are following or paying attention to. If you locate the products used by the influencers, you will know exactly.

Study Online Marketplaces

Length: 5 minutesComplexity: Easy

Seek information from existing online marketplace tools. You will discover the top selling items in the stores. This is not as easy as it sounds



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